Amicus Curiae
"a friend of the court"
Supreme Court
Court tells trespassers the fence must come down!- Anthony Dean v. George Hall etal CLE/gen/00037 of 2014- Appealed
Vindicated! Man falsely arrested, detained and maliciously prosecuted awarded $767,000.00 in damages-
59/2021— Rod Andrew Bethel v. The Commissioner of Police and the AG CLE/gen/No.00825 of 2017- Appealed
Court of Appeal
Ferry Company not liable for slip and fall
SCCiv App & CAIS No 122 of 2018—Bahamas Ferries & Charlene Rahming
Court of Appeal choses "good" over "greed"
SCCiv App & CAIS No 12 of 2020- George Nathaniel Hall et al v Anthony Dean
Vindicated! Man falsely arressted, imprisoned and maliciously prosecuted awarded $767,000.00 in damages- APPEAL PENDING